Lent Day 6
Good Morning!
Our Scripture readings this morning are John 8:12 and Matthew 5:14-16. Jesus calls himself the light in John and tells us we are the light in Matthew. We can only be the light when we walk in the steps of Jesus and reflect that light out into the world.
Remember, Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. When we recognize Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, Jesus becomes the light of our life, leading and guiding us everyday and in every way. We are told by Jesus that we become the light, reflecting His glory.
So the question becomes... How can you shine his light before others?
Most of the time, I find that direct words are not required to shine the light of Jesus before others. People will notice that your life and your light are different. The faith, joy, contentment, and love that ooze out of your being are almost immediately recognized.
I remember working an Emmaus Walk as an Assistant Lay Director when I was approached by a young man attending the Walk. He wanted to know why I almost always had a smile on my face and seemed so upbeat.
There it was! My light has shined! And now, I've been asked to share the source of my light! That is an authentic form of evangelism that allows us to connect directly with someone. This young man and I spent many hours in conversation for the next few days.
Let your light shine in the most authentic way by living life shining his light!
Pastor Jesse