Join us! All are welcome at
Emmanuel United Methodist Church.
Service Times
8:45 AM | Sunday School
10:00 AM | Worship Service
11:05 AM | Sunday School
At Emmanuel UMC, we strive to welcome all in acceptance and love. Our desire is to build meaningful relationships among those within our diverse community. Our commitment to nurturing spiritual growth and serving the community is at the core of everything we do.
Come and be a part of something special. You belong here.
What to Expect on Your Visit
We offer one Sunday Worship Service featuring an inspiring and relevant message, and a blend of traditional and contemporary music with a variety of instruments and voices. Before and after the Worship Service, our two Christian Education Hours provide opportunities for infants through adults to learn and grow in the love of God and neighbor.
Is child care available?
Nursery care is available all morning long for children 0-3 years old. Older children are invited to begin worship services in the sanctuary with their families. There they will enjoy a kid-friendly message and then enter a special children's play area right inside the sanctuary – Children's Church in Church!
What should I wear?
Come as you are – and you will fit right in! You will find others dressed in anything from jeans and shorts to finest dress-up and everything in-between.
Where should I park?
We have dedicated visitor parking spots just outside the main sanctuary doors at the front of the building. Enter the main doors, where there will be friendly greeters to welcome you, give directions, and answer any questions you may have.
Where should I go?
Just inside the main doors is our welcome area, with complimentary coffee and tea available. The sanctuary is straight ahead from the welcome area. Turn right to find the nearest restrooms and the adult Christian Formation Hour classrooms. Turn left to find the children's Christian Formation Hour classrooms. The church nursery for children ages 0-3 years is at the end of the hall.