Children's Ministries: Nurturing Faith and Fun
Our littles are a treasured part of our congregation. We value their innocence, joy and laughter, and we welcome the opportunity to teach them to be good, kind, and loving people in the way of Jesus.
Nursery care is available all Sunday morning for children ages 0-3 yrs. Older children are invited to worship in the sanctuary with their families, listen to a kid-friendly message, and then enjoy a special quiet play area uniquely located within the sanctuary for the remainder of the service!
At 11:05 AM on Sunday mornings, children meet in one of three groups: 3-5 years old, K-3rd grade, and 4th-5th grade. They open with a brief time of play and fellowship, then share prayer requests and praises. A short lesson is taught with open discussion afterwards, allowing children to ask questions or offer their thoughts about what they’ve learned. Teachers are encouraged to think outside of the box using crafts, games, music, and dancing to help the children understand the lesson.
Click HERE for the current curriculum.
Is your child interested in taking an active role in worship? Acolytes bring the light into the sanctuary at the beginning of the service, and then carry it out to the world at the end. Contact Annette Brown for more information about this opportunity for your child to serve. Training and support will be provided.
Interested in knowing more about what the children are learning on Sunday morning? You can tune into our lesson content on our YouTube channel.
Are you interested in being a Sunday school teacher?
Please contact Annette Brown with any questions or concerns. (317) 773-4406 ext. 1003