Lent Day 34
Good morning,
Today, we read Luke 7:36-50.
Seeing the invisible, or, more rightly put, seeing those whom we don't wish to see. Whether we are seeing (or ignoring) the homeless standing on the corner holding a sign, the little kid standing off to the side at the park with no friends or parents to play with them, the person walking down the road with a thumb out needing a ride, or any of the other thousands of examples that involve those that are looked down upon by society, these people exist! And Jesus sees them! He saw them when he walked the earth as the incarnate, and he sees them through your Spirit-filled eyes. The question is, will you see them?
If Jesus can forgive your sins, surely he forgives their sins. How might you see the invisible people that the rest of the world ignores?
My kids have come to expect that my wife and I will not ignore any person standing or sitting on a street corner asking for help. They ask questions about 'why' they are there in the first place and want to know what we can do to help. In most cases, it's handing a few dollars to them or some water or snacks we happen to have in the car. I'd be interested to see just how far my kids would go to help someone holding one of those signs if we gave them freedom to help until they believe they've helped "enough". I believe it would be much more radical than most of us expect.
Pastor Jesse