Lent Day 33

Today we are reading Hebrews 4:15 and Luke 4:1-13.

Today, and this week, we our theme is "Watch What He Does". Today, our example is that of a carpenter's apprentice. The apprentice mirrors the master and diligently watches and studies the work of the master. Slowly, the apprentice begins to perform the work and tasks under the guidance of the master until they have perfected each part of the job. 

Jesus has that type of experience as a human. He has been tempted, felt fear, been hungry and thirsty, tired, frustrating, been sad, experienced death, and all of the other aspects of being human. 

Walking in his steps is your apprenticeship! It involves hands-on work with the Master. We are asked to write about some things that we'd still like to learn from him.

I struggle with questions and prompts like this! I can confidently say that I want to continue to grow in my knowledge and understanding of Jesus, however, without prayer and discernment, I'm not sure what it is I need to learn! It's one of those things that you can't learn what you don't know that you don't know. I've also found that what I need to learn isn't necessarily what I'd like to learn. I think we can only be obedient to God's call in our life and be fully devoted to pursuing it! 


Pastor Jesse 


Lent Day 34


Lent Day 32