Lent Day 21
Good morning!
Today, we are asked to read John 15:1-17.
We are told about the hymn "Abide with Me" by Henry Francis Lyte, an Anglican pastor. He wrote the hymn on his deathbed, and it was sung for the first time at his funeral.
On the road to Emmaus, Jesus's two disciples said, "Stay with us, for it is toward evening and the day is now far spent" (Luke 24:29). This request by these two disciples and the hymn - asking Jesus to abide - offers us the opportunity to experience the newness of life that was only won for us in the cross.
Where in your life do you need Jesus to abide with you? Why?
Early in my marriage, I wasn't the best husband. We were very young (21/22), and I had never been out on my own. I had lived at my parents house until we were married. There was a learning curve to living with someone new, even if it is your newly married wife! I was still ready to go explore the world, while my wife was ready to settle into her career, continue to build a relationship with her husband, and prepare for growing a family, all with God at the heart of it. I didn't realize how much I needed God to abide with me until I went on the Walk to Emmaus. Only then were my eyes opened and my heart was left burning in my chest! I feel like it was still a struggle, and I still made bonehead mistakes, but with Jesus abiding in my heart, I was able to grow and become a better husband and then father. And, yes, I'm still a work in progress and will always need Him to abide with me!
Pastor Jesse