Lent Day 22
Good morning,
Today, our Scripture readings are from Romans 8:34 and John 3:16-21.
Judgment! Condemnation! Evil! We all have those thoughts from time to time, questioning the things we or others are doing(or not doing) in our/their lives. We wait for the gavel to come down to declare guilt and to hear the sentence. Others have their perception of you, just as you have your perceptions of others, but only God truly knows each of our hearts, and He sent His Son not to condemn, but to save because the Father "so loved"!
When the judgmental thoughts start to creep, remember that you and every other person are uniquely made in the image of God, and we are all undeservedly loved!
Reflect on some of your judgments, whether they are personal critiques of yourself, if they are about others, or if they are from others about you. How has Jesus overturned those judgments?
Pastor Jesse