Lent Day 29
Good morning!
Today, we are reading Matthew 5:45 and Luke 6:27-36.
God loves us in such a radical way that we can barely comprehend the depths to which He will go for us. In Jesus, God shows us His example and expectation for us. Jesus came to fulfill the law, summing all of the laws up into two: Love God. Love your neighbor. All of the laws are satisfied in these two.
God loves us to the point of sending himself in Jesus, the Son, to save each one of us in love. While we were sinners, unknowing, undeserving, and maybe even outright rejecting him, He still took it all upon himself to right our wrongs. Even in that, He loves us to the point of sending us the Holy Spirit after his death and resurrection because he knows we need a guide to continue guiding us to love.
Today, reflect on God's amazing love and power to forgive.
You know, I have found it is harder to believe that I am worthy of forgiveness. Yes, it's easier to forgive someone else than myself. It makes me think of my kids when they recognize they've made a mistake or have been caught doing something they know they shouldn't have done and they say, "I'm a bad kid. I'm the worst." We beat ourselves up more than others do and more than God does. I imagine God looking at me, just as i look at my kids in these moments when I tell them it's okay, we are not perfect, but we must learn from our mistakes, seek forgiveness where it is needed, and move forward in life. We are all inherently like this, and yes, at times we make mistakes and do the very things we know we shouldn't be doing, however, this is the power of God's radical love! We are forgiven!
Pastor Jesse