Lent Day 19
Good morning, Church! Happy Monday!
Today, our focus is on Jesus, the Good Shepherd. We are reading Psalm 23:1-2 and Luke 15:1-7. Somehow, the John 10 discourse from Jesus on being the Good Shepherd is not a part of this, but you can also read John 10:11-18.
Sheep tend to wander, sometimes getting lost in the process. Being lost is a dangerous situation for a lone sheep. In Luke, Jesus tells us that the shepherd leaves the 99 to recover the one lost sheep and fathers the neighbors to celebrate and rejoice in its finding.
The devotion focuses on Luke 15:5, but verse 7 is the one that I couldn't stop rereading. Luke 15:7: "Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance." That tells me that the posture of my heart will determine how I'm judged by God and Jesus. If I'm humble and believe I'm a sinner in need of salvation, I'll be celebrated as a lost sheep that had been found. If I'm arrogant and believe that I'm righteous and without sin, I may yet receive salvation, but without the joy.
The Lord is your Shepherd. Allow Him to continue to search out your heart, you lost one. Reflect on the blessings that you've received from your Good Shepherd, especially those you are thankful for today.
In all seriousness, I'm thankful that the Good Shepherd allowed me to wander as much as I did. The maturity and growth that happened was immense, but the effectiveness of that maturity and growth only occurred when I was found by the Good Shepherd, poor on his shoulders, returned to the flock, and celebrated as being found again. It is in those moments of celebration that we know we are not alone, that there is One who will always care for us and search us out, and we have a safe space to reflect and show growth to happen.
What about you? What blessings speak the most in your heart today?
Pastor Jesse