A Sunday Sneak Peek - April 14th, 2024

Good morning!

This week, our Scripture is one of my favorites!  I'm a big proponent of the 'Walk to Emmaus' and hear so much of my story in the two disciples on the road to Emmaus and their seeing Jesus in the breaking of the bread.  "Were not our hearts on fire?!" Luke 24:36b-48.

We are still very much in the Easter season and should still be resurrection oriented!  Last week the sermon focused on belief in the resurrection and the ways that Jesus keeps showing up unexpectedly.  We must continue to come back to our faith to continue to encounter Jesus time and time again.  It is okay to struggle with understanding and even belief, but we must always turn our faces back to Jesus.

This week we will move beyond the struggles of belief and on to living that belief.  When we keep turning back to Jesus, he will keep showing up in our lives.  When we open our minds and hearts to the resurrection, we will move beyond belief in the resurrection to experiencing the resurrection!  Experiencing resurrection in our lives is transformative for our lives!  We begin to see holiness and the movement of the Spirit in ourselves, others, and the world! 

How will you live your resurrected life this year?  Where do you see the Spirit moving in yourself? In others?  In the world? Is your heart on fire for Jesus?


Pastor Jesse


A Sunday Sneak Peek - April 21st, 2024


Lent Day 42