Measuring What Matters Most: Stewardship as Discipleship

When Jesus abides in us, we act in Jesus’ love and bear the fruit of that love in generosity. Gifts received for our annual operating fund become ministry and mission. Thank you for your investment in what God is calling us to become.

Dear Emmanuel United Methodist Church Family,

We are constantly being invited to see how we “measure up” in the world in which we live. Each time that happens, it is an opportunity to see what really matters to us. What is our measuring stick? How do our values come into play in determining what is most important and what doesn’t really matter at all? Is what we are investing - our time, our energy and our resources - worthy of us and what we believe?

During the next few weeks, we are going to consider what ultimately matters to us and what is it that has the longest lasting impact for “good” in our lives and in the world around us. As you might expect, we will be asking serious questions about our faith and the role of our congregation as a force for transformation and work that God is doing in our midst. The Gospel matters to us, and we matter to God!

On Sunday, May 12th, we will begin a short 3 week campaign, pausing on May 19th for Pentecost and May 26th for our annual Special Choir Worship, and ending on June 9th with a commitment to our utilize our resources for the glory of God through Emmanuel United Methodist Church. Measuring What Matters is a preparation for determining our investment in the ministry and mission of Emmanuel United Methodist Church. Commitment Sunday will be a part of worship on June 9th and I hope you will be intentional about being with us.

God has done and continues to do remarkable things with us – things that matter! Your prayers and your participation are keys to helping us get to the next level of discipleship. We know that when the early church gathered, they did so with glad and generous hearts and that there was no need among them (Acts 2). We desire such a spirit to be among us. I look forward to “measuring what matters” with you as we consider what it means to be generous.


Pastor Jesse


A Sunday Sneak Peek - May 5th, 2024