Lent Day 1
Good Morning Congregation!
I pray that your season of Lent is getting started with lots of prayer and reflection. In our daily devotional, we are asked to read Genesis 3:8-19 and to then ponder the question, "Why do you think God formed humanity from the dust of the earth?" Here are a few thoughts from my musings:
The significance of "dust of the earth" may be to bind us in relationship to all of creation, as we, the earth, and all of God's creation on our dear planet were formed from the same dust. I also considered one of the greatest and most significant differences between humanity and the rest of creation. God breathed God's Spirit into us to bring the dust he had formed into humanity to life. While he spoke the rest of creation into existence, God took special care with humanity, giving us our very own part of God to dwell in us: God's Spirit. Let us start to walk 'In His Steps' this Ash Wednesday as you remember that God tells us, "You are dust, and to dust you shall return."
Pastor Jesse